Canyoning Nature Alpes Maritimes Canyoning Nature Alpes Maritimes Canyoning Nature Alpes Maritimes





Valley : Loup

Allowed period : all year round

Minimum age: 14 years old

Max abseiling : 35m

Maximum : 6 persons

Price : 70 € / person

It is very important that you remember to take SPORTS SHOES IN GOOD CONDITION. Sandals, ballet flats and other light shoes that do not provide sufficient protection for the feet are totally forbidden.

You can also take with you :
– A pair of leather gloves.
– A small backpack.
– Something to replenish your strength, cereal bars, dried fruit, etc.
– A bottle of water.
– Your medical treatment if you need it during the activity, the instructor can take it in his bag.
– If you have long hair, a rubber band to hang it up.
– If you use your glasses, a cord to fix them so that you don’t lose them.
– If you have a camera, you can take it with you under your own responsibility, but you should have a lanyard to avoid losing your equipment.
– And finally, your best smile is a must !
We do not recommend taking other items with you as they could be damaged. If possible, do not leave valuables in the vehicles as the various car parks at the venues are unguarded. Leave your jewels and valuables at home. The instructor cannot be held responsible for theft, loss or damage to your own equipment.

We provide each participant with :

– a harness with absorbent lanyards
– a helmet

The instructor takes a backpack and a first aid kit with him.


Leaving the Peyron plan, the Haute Bouisse has sculpted a pretty little dry canyon. A mineral world that one cannot imagine under the road leading to the ski resort. To discover this remarkable geological environment, the only way is to equip yourself with ropes, harnesses and helmets. This is a route that can be walked all year round. A pretty walk which combines climbing and a dozen abseiling descents. The first abseils are quite small and allow for a gentle introduction. Those that follow are bigger until the highest abseil at 35 metres. In the summer it is possible to combine this course with the Gours du Ray canyon for a full day full of sensations !

Meeting point

When you arrive at the village of Gréolières 06620, always follow the signs “Andon”, continue in the direction of Andon, you will very quickly find yourself on the D79. Once you have left Gréolières, continue for another 3km on the D79. You will see a sign indicating the stream “La Bouisse”, continue 500m and there it is! There are various car parks on both sides of the road. However, if you cross a second stream called “La Haute Bouisse”, you have gone too far. The car park is therefore between the Bouisse and the Haute Bouisse.